8 Reasons to Marry a Man With a Dad Bod: A Little Extra Fat on Your Spouse Could Mean Better Emotional and Physical Health For You!

Kami Lane
6 min readMar 1, 2021


Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This is meant to be a funny and amusing article about the perks I have found in my relationship — having a spouse with a little bit of a Dad Bod. I do make generalizations based on my experiences, but I’d say these stereotypes ring true! Enjoy!

He is Bound to Eat Yummy Food With You!

The number one perk of having a husband with a Dad Bod is that he is bound to eat yummy food with you! Even the guys who had rock-hard abs at one time and now have Dad Bods may wish in the back of their mind to get their abs back, but if their wife wants a burger or some cookies, that wish is not going to be as important to them as them supplying their woman with the food she craves. They are going to eat that yummy food with their woman too! Because let’s face it. Women want their man to eat with them and perhaps eat more than them so they don’t have to feel guilty about it. I think men with Dad Bods may understand this, OR they must think, “Great! An excuse for me to take a break from my diet! No chicken and brussel sprouts for me! I’m dying for a burger and a shake! If my wife really wanted me to have abs, then she wouldn’t be encouraging me to get fast food so I’m going to take it!” Whether men are legitimately selfless or trying to hide the fact that they’ve been secretly thinking about a juicy burger all day instead of you, I still love it when I tell my man, “I really want to go out to eat tonight.” and every time my husband will say, “Great, where should we go?” No qualms. No hesitating. Pure selflessness. Or greatly hidden selfish eagerness. But either way, I love it and I’ll take it!

No judgement!

Another amazing perk of marrying a guy with a Dad Bod is there isn’t going to be judgement around what you eat or how you look. Guys with Dad bods aren’t going to have a problem with a little muffin top or a little tummy because they have one too! Also, I have never seen a man with a Dad Bod be a body-shamer, especially to their wife! Men with Dad Bods don’t expect their woman to eat a salad when they eat out (unless that’s what she actually wants to eat). They don’t expect you to starve yourself or to look a certain way. In fact, these men want you to eat so they can enjoy the marvelous, kind, happy, and adorable you instead of the hangry, irritable, grumpy and scary version of you. Which, in my opinion, makes men with Dad Bods more sensible and better to be around.

He Will Be Your Hype Man!

Not only do men with Dad Bods pass less judgement, but they are the best hype men! They know to compliment their woman! When I say I’m feeling fat, my husband will go, “Really? I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how that must feel. But I’m seeing the most beautiful woman in the world. I like that you have curves and I think you look awesome.” When I tell my husband he is the cutest, He’ll say, “NOPE! Second place! You won first place as the cutest!” There is nothing better than those genuine self-esteem boosters. Even in my day to day life, men with Dad-Bods seem to be better at remembering to ask their coworkers and friends about how they are doing. They seem to notice more readily if others are having a bad day. They are better at recognizing hard work and affirming it. Having a Dad Bod is most definitely correlated with being more attentive to others. Not sure exactly why, but it’s a thing. So keep that in mind and look for it when choosing a mate.

The Cuddling is Better!

There is a reason why we sleep with pillows instead of rocks. The same goes for men. It’s so much more comfortable to have a man with a little bit of memory foam squish to them than to cuddle with something hard and/or bony. Think of the hugs! Hugs are so much better when there is something to squeeze! Need I say more? The Dad Bod rules.

He is More Economically Aware!

I love how unwasteful men with Dad Bods are. They don’t throw away perfectly good food in the fridge. They’ll help eat the rest of their woman’s meal if she can’t finish it. They save the food they couldn’t eat for later. They know how to make food out of nothing! Men with Dad Bods are resourceful and unwasteful. If they spend money on food, they are going to eat all they can! Somehow, they even find opportunities to get free food and they always take advantage and take extra food if possible. Is there a work party with pizzas coming up? An opportunity! That’s when these men with Dad Bods might try to linger longer to be one of the last people to leave. Then they’ll graciously offer to take one of the leftover pizzas off the host’s hands. Since I reap the benefits without having to be the one to ask, I love it and think it’s kind of funny!

You Will Have Balance and Health In Your Life!

The great thing about men with Dad Bods is they still want to be healthy. They aren’t motivated to be obsessively healthy, as was aforementioned in the “He is Bound to Eat Yummy Food With You” section, but they also don’t want to be obese. They are motivated to exercise and to pick healthier food options sometimes. Having a man with a Dad Bod is really the best way to have balance in your life. There will be time for rest, time for exercise, time for TV, and time for adventure. Having a variety of goals and activities to do together is a great way to keep your friendship flourishing. At one time in my life, I tried to obsess about having a perfect body — I exercised all the time and was super picky and obsessed about what I ate. Doing that didn’t leave much time for enjoying other activities or having a good balance in my life. Would I want that in a man? NO! I didn’t like it in myself so why would I want that in a man? Since I’ve been married, I try to be healthy, but if I miss a day of exercise, it’s okay. I can pick up my good habits again tomorrow. I know my husband still thinks I am beautiful and he is proud that I try to do a variety of activities. I am also proud and interested in his variety of activities. We forgive each other’s flaws and we love each other and support each other as we both try to improve together and individually.

He Is More Agreeable!

How many picky eaters do you know who have Dad Bods? My experience is NONE. I love having a husband who isn’t a picky eater because I am! For one thing, I have to have a variety of meals. It’s nice because I can meal-plan to my heart’s delight and Tarron won’t mind. He’ll eat whatever I make and he’ll help me make it! I feel that men with Dad Bods are more agreeable and flexible. They are easygoing.

He Is Less Likely To Leave You!

Men with Dad Bods know when they have something good! They are the quirky, nerdy, funny guys that understand there won’t be a more perfect female for them than the one they have. They aren’t going to mess that up! When talking to other females, they will immediately introduce their wife or find a way to bring up the fact that they have a wife. They are going to be agreeable and kind to their woman and they will try to work on their relationship. The idea of having to start over and date again? Abhorrent. Too much work. Gross! They are going to do anything they can to keep the good thing they have! They don’t want big changes. They appreciate the little things in life — that little thing being YOU!


These are a few of the perks that I have found in being married to a man with a Dad Bod. I am incredibly attracted to my husband for all his wonderful qualities. I am very proud of him and he is also a writer! I recommend you check out “Laughing At Myself” (by Tarron Lane)where he exploits one egregious downfall to men who have a Dad Bod… They aren’t as mindful about keeping to their half of your favorite shared dessert, which can lead to trust issues down the road when it comes to food.



Kami Lane
Kami Lane

Written by Kami Lane

Whether it’s from laughing hysterically or crying uncontrollably, we’ll talk about the times we needed a tissue in my blog series: I Need a Tissue!

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